The Secret Garden of Elsie

Campus K Ventures

As a sub-division belong to Campus K, Campus K Ventures focus on accelerate business of disruptive innovation startup and transforming business, connecting to investors.

Collaborate with many well-known partners

    • nssc
    • bkfund
    • pl&kt

Featured start-ups working with Campus K Ventures in the road to the Rome

      • Products: Personalised medicines ecosystem
      • SmartDoseAI: a platform that hospital to personalise dose of each patient that enhance more than 50% effective of drug through Big data and AI.
      • LynxcScience: application of Big data on DNA in simulation of drug clinical trial tests in order to speedup the process of approval of new drug and cost of clinical test.
      • Nutrition profile: provide user personal health data and proposal of nutrition plan in order to improve health by just 1-time blood test.
      • Traction: used in +40 hospitals in Vietnam and starting to expand to Singapore and Malaysia.
      • Call for investment: $600k - $2M
      N2TP, 2020
      • Products: automation for SMEs's manufacturing
      • SugGrip robotic provide for manufacturing, research institution Sold +10,000 units.
      • Call for investment to expand business, R&D.
      APICO, 2020
      • Products: manufacturing EV
      • Produce e-bike and distribute through over 300 agents nation-wide in 63 provinces & cities. 9 Lines production
      • The company has Revenue in 2022: $7 Mill.
      • Call for investment: $3M to expand business.
      PEGA, 2019
      Manufacturing of electronic vehicle (EV)
      • Products: a web3 ecosystem business
      • is a decentralize Binary Option trading platform that use blockchain and smart contract technologies. LS Trade global community growth very fast and currently has over 15,500 members and +6500 Vietnamese members community on Telegram. The LS Trade beta version has been launched since end May and continue on the top 10 of BSC Chain of the most active transaction.
      • LS Trade already have revenue.
      • LS Trade is partnered with 3S wallet, Verichain, GotBit, Chainlink, OneBit and supported by the BHO Network global community.
      • LS Trade call for investment: USD 200,000 for Global marketing and expand business.
      LS Trade, 2021
      • Product: AI trading platform on stock market
      • Fstock is a financial and AI trading Bot platform on stock market. Revenue are come from Subscriptions fee and 0.06% of transaction fee. Vietnam stock market daily transaction is estimated: over +$650 M/day.
      • The company has over + 30,000 community member and alrready has small revenue.
      • Call for investment to expand business
      FSTOCK, 2021
      • Processing solid waste into (i) syngas which is a clean gas that has been certificated by EC; (ii) Black soil: which is clean soil use in agriculture; (iii) construction materials: brick, materials for making roads.
      • Call for investors to expand business.
      DO GREEN
      Green Economy
      • Ecomia is our Bio-Enzyme cleaning products manufactured from orange fermentation, which are completely non-toxic, biodegradable, and eco- preferable.
      • The company already generate revenue.
      • Call for investment to expand business.
      Manufacturing cleaning products from wasted oranges

Services for Start-ups and SMEs

Every service is customized for your own business

Đào tạo (training)

Tổ chức các khoá đào tạo về startup, kinh doanh cho các co-founder theo yêu cầu

  • Khởi nghiệp tinh gọn (lean startup)
  • Từ các mô hình kinh doanh đến Chiến lược kinh doanh
  • Từ ý tưởng đến phát triển sản phẩm (design thinking)
  • Xây dựng sản phẩm (product design & MVP)

Cố vấn (mentoring)

Cố vấn riêng biệt về việc phát triển kinh doanh và gọi vốn

  • Cố vấn chiến lược kinh doanh
  • Tinh chỉnh mô hình doanh thu
  • Xây dựng kế hoạch kinh doanh chi tiết
  • Lên chiến lược marketing và thực thi
  • Xây dựng pitch deck gọi vốn
  • Tư vấn phát triển sản phẩm
  • Kết nối gọi vốn

Các dịch vụ khác (other services)

Ngoài ra, chúng tôi còn rất nhiều dịch vụ với đội ngũ chuyên gia dày dặn kinh nghiệm

  • Kết nối kinh doanh
  • Tư vấn pháp lý
  • Tư vấn tài chính và kế toán
  • Tư vấn đầu tư
  • M&A doanh nghiệp

Our team experts for Start-ups and SMEs

  • Đinh Thanh Hằng

    BOD member/co-founder Campus-K ventures Entrepreneur

    • 15 years hand on experience in investment, and banking transactions in the commercial business including loan, mortgage, financial, and investment analysis. Mentoring for technologies startup in the web2 & web3.
    • 18 years of experience in management and business operation, more than 40 development projects and assignments in all areas, within transportation, education consultancy, agriculture, climate change, and training management industries.
    • 10 years working as an Asian regional manager in marketing and business development for international companies. Excellent working knowledge of business development, marketing, and public relations with successful achievement of significantly increasing overall turnover for my employers.
    • MBA Solvay Business School (Belgium), 2000.
  • Nguyễn Thị Như Ái

    Financial Expert/M&A

    • Experience in linkage of small and medium-sized enterprises with international funding programs (World Bank, Thriive Program ...)
    • Experience in auditing small and medium-sized enterprises’ projects funded by international funding programs (World Bank)
    • 15 years experience in business advisory services and training small and medium-sized enterprises regarding finance management, human resource management...
    • 12 years experience in investment promotion, business linkage (investment fund raising; mobilization of bank loan; project M&A, enterprise M&A, equipment and technology linkage)
    • Experience in finance and human resource management.
    • +10 years experience in working with Government Agencies such as ministerial level agencies (Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Finance, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology ...), Associations (Vietnam Association of small and medium-sized Enterprises, Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountants, Viet Nam Valuation Association, etc.), the State Audit Office, the Tax office ...
    • +8 years International working overseas
  • Pham Tat Thanh (Nic)

    Sales & BD Role in SaaS/B2B/Digital Tech | Vietnam & Global

    • Entrepreneurial, tactical & strategic sales
    • 10 years in IT & financial services; Ecommerce/ Digital / Startups; SaaS/B2B/ B2C.
    • 15 years international working experiences on international corporation in digital business, finance and e-commercial.
  • Nguyễn Phúc Thịnh

    Mobile business Application, HR Tech, Global mobility, Software Architecture - AWS Architect

    • 10 years work experiences in IT, business and entrepreneur.